Saturday, June 18, 2011


Kerosene Use Kerosene as lighting in the developed countries increasingly reduced, now Kerosene used to heat. Use of the most important from Kerosene include:

1. Oil Lamps Kerosene as lamp oil is produced by direct distillation, the properties that must be considered when kerosene is used as lamp oil is:

* Color There are various grades of kerosene color: - Water spirit (colorless) - Prime spirit - Standard spirit
In India, users in the interior do not want to buy kerosene and white thinking This is the water and thought only of yellow or brown only that can burn well.

* Nature of fuel Kerosene flame depends on the chemical composition of petroleum: - If it contains many aromatic then the fire can not be raised because sulfur fire started. - Alkane has the best flame. - The nature of fuel napthen located between the aromatic and alkane.

* Viscosity Oil flow to the lamp axis Kerosene due to capillary forces in narrow channels between the fibers axis. Kerosene flow depends on the viscosity of viscous liquid that is if the oil and lamp has a large high-rise then the flame will remain low and axis into charcoal (burnt) because of lack of oil.

* Levels of sulfur Just as the sulfur content in gasoline.

2. Fuel for heating for cooking Various kinds of kerosene burner: - Tool burners with flat axes: It smells bad. - Tool burners with round axis: filling the air which has centered. - Tool burner with carburetion press: trademark primus

3. Motor fuel Motors which use kerosene as a fuel are: - The tools of agriculture (tractors). - Fishing vessels. - Aircraft of small electric lighting.
This motor in addition to having a carburetor also has a vaporizer to kerosene. This course begins with motor gasoline and kerosene followed by if the vaporizer is hot enough. This motor will run well when high aromatic content in gasoline.

4. Pelart for bituminous materials Kerosene type of white spirit is often used as a solvent for bitumen asphalt.

5. Solvent for insecticide Insect powder made from the flowers Chrysant (Pyerlhrum cinerarieotollum) that has been drained and mashed, as solvents used kerosene. For this purpose Kerosene must have a good smell or drug normally spray it contain fragrances


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